귀신 나오는 꿈 Dream of a ghost. Understanding a ghost dream


It’s nice to have such a warm day today.

Unlike the weather, I had a dream yesterday.

​귀신 나오는 꿈

I really like scary things

I’ll turn on a late-night ghost talk

Is it because I kept doing other things

I had a dream of a ghost.


But if you get sleep paralysis

It’s not like that.

I’ve never had scissors

I don’t think I’ve ever been pressed.

So what that feels like

I don’t know.

귀신 나오는 꿈

Anyway, I’m going to see it with my own eyes

You can watch it very well in dramas and movies.

The fear that I feel is

My legs are shaking

My hand trembles

I tend to go crazy.

But in a dream…

It’s so terrible.

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a ghostly dream

Compared to other dreams

There’s some interpretation

It’s likely a psychological dream.

My anxious heart

It’s one of the dreams that is expressed.

I’m under pressure

If you’re under stress

I have this dream.

a dream of being chased by a ghost

The dream of being chased by a ghost

I’m going to tell you that you’re in a state of instability

It’s a psychological dream that reflects it.

out of existence

Because I’m a ghost

Being chased from this existence

What you didn’t expect

foreshadowing that it could happen

It could be a predictive dream.

It’s related to safety and health

Please take care of yourself.

a dream of fighting a ghost

If a ghost came out of my dream

If you were fighting fearlessly

according to the outcome of the game

It can also be a nightmare or a nightmare.

If I had won the fight

It’s an indication that wealth is coming

If you lose

On the contrary, the opposite can happen.

In my dream of fighting a ghost

If it wasn’t a game

It’s a good dream to have a longer life.

a dream of running away from a ghost

a sudden accident

You could end up being scammed.

Pay attention to your health and surroundings

Please act.

A dream of being surprised by a ghost

There may be unexpected risks

It can be seen as a warning dream that implies it.

Please refrain from unexpected actions for the time being

You’d better stay quiet.

My dream of becoming a ghost

If you became a ghost

It’s probably because of something in the past.

I’m not sure what’s happened to you

It tells you that you’re feeling it.

a dream of a ghost crying

I want to check the health and circumstances of my family in the house

You need to look at it.

Adults, relatives, etc. will get into an accident

It heralds a possible discord in the home.

A dream of seeing a ghost in hell

one’s honor and popularity

It’s a good dream to rise.

Don’t miss the chance

To increase your self-esteem

I think that would be great.

a dream of a ghost laughing strangely

The ghost is smiling

Isn’t it scary just thinking about it…

I don’t know what to say

It means it can go up.

Everything doesn’t go well

It says something that won’t be solved.

There will be a lot of losses.


a dream of killing ghosts

The dream of trying to kill a ghost

There’s something bad about the house

It means it can happen.

Family conflicts or

You might get into a fight

Please pay attention to your words and actions.

a dream of becoming a ghost

In my dream

There’s also the possibility of becoming a ghost.

These dreams can be seen by others

more than people competing

Let’s talk about moving forward.

He’s at the forefront of his work

Tell them what to do and tell them to do.

at work with people around you

Things will go well.

a dream of sitting face to face with a ghost

You can waste your own time.

I’ll just spend my time

I use my energy.

It’s going to be a waste of time

You face a bad situation.

A dream of a kind ghost

There will be good news soon.

If you’re doing something important

It means you will be rewarded for that.

I have to work hard, right?

A dream with a black ghost

This dream makes a hasty decision

It means don’t get off.

When you decide on something

You have to decide carefully.

If you do something wrong, you’ll get sick

You could lose a lot of money

You may have difficulties.

A dream with a white ghost

If there’s a white ghost

Joy and peace at the right time

And you can get happiness.

It implies that it will turn positive.

a dream of a maiden ghost

Did you have a dream of a maiden ghost coming out?

Close acquaintances, close friends, etc

It implies that there will be misunderstandings and conflicts.

A dream where a bachelor ghost appears

If a bachelor ghost came out

a family affair

It implies that you’ll be dealing with it alone.

If it was a bachelor ghost who took off all his clothes

If you have a misfortune in your house

The patient may come out.

A dream where a water ghost comes out

When you go to the water or the beach

I don’t think I’ll ever fall into the water

It means it’s going to happen.

fraud, temptation, death, etc

There’s only terrible things waiting…

A dream of a ghost hanging from a neck

Because of the frustrating things that I can’t solve all day long

It’s going to be hard.

in an unexpected place

You could end up being framed.

A dream of seeing a ghost without a neck

If you see a ghost with his head cut off

if things don’t go well or unexpectedly

You could be blamed

Please be careful.

A dream where a child’s ghost comes out

If a ghost, a child, came out of a dream

Because of the conflict with the people you’re close to

It suggests that there will be a quarrel.

A dream of meeting a ghost on the street

It’s a mess

It could happen

You will have heart palpitations.