HUG 전세보증보험 가입 The terms and methods of signing up for HUG Chonse Guarantee Insurance at once!

Hello! This time, I’m going to talk about how to apply for HUG lease guarantee insurance. Everyone has no choice but to be worried about important insurance that costs a lot of money to help everyone who is about to sign a lease! HUG 전세보증보험 가입

In particular, I will tell you the “conditions and methods of signing up for HUG Chonse Guarantee Insurance” to safely return the Chonse deposit.

Shortcut to HUG Housing Vocational Guarantee Corporation
What is HUG charter guarantee insurance?
“HUG Jeonse Guarantee Insurance” is a guarantee product that is responsible for the return of the lease deposit that the landlord must return to the tenant at the end of the lease contract, and it is recommended that the tenant sign up because the lease deposit can be safely protected through HUG.

Terms of subscription to HUG Chonse Guarantee Insurance
Terms of subscription to HUG Chonse Guarantee Insurance
Check out the availability of Jeonse Guarantee Insurance!
Housing conditions: All houses registered for residential use, including single-family, multi-family, row multi-family, residential officetel, apartment, welfare housing for the elderly, etc
Limit of deposit for lease on a deposit basis: KRW 700 million or less in the Seoul metropolitan area / KRW 500 million or less in other areas
Lease contract period: At least 1 year
Others: There must be no infringement of rights (auction application, seizure, etc.) in the ownership of the house, and it must not be listed as a building in violation in the building register.
How to sign up for HUG charter guarantee insurance

“Subscribe to HUG Chonsei Guarantee Insurance” is also available on Naver, the national representative site! If you follow it slowly, it’s not as difficult as you think.

Naver HUG Shortcut HUG 전세보증보험 가입

First, select whether you are a tenant or a rental business in Naver Real Estate, which I uploaded above, and press “Apply for Subscription.”

Subscribe to HUG Chonse Guarantee Insurance

If you press “Apply for Subscription”, you will see an item selection to check your availability, but you have to check everything to move on.

Subscribe to HUG Chonse Guarantee Insurance

After moving on, enter your personal information and sign electronically with a ‘Naver Certificate’ to enter your lease information. You just need to enter the exact information you signed.

Subscribe to HUG Chonse Guarantee Insurance

If the information has been entered, click Next to proceed, and if there is a ‘discount item’, select it, check the estimated guarantee fee, and complete the application.

You need to attach a photo of the prepared documents after you complete the application. You can prepare the documents that I have guided you to the picture below, and if you don’t know what the documents are, you can check and prepare the place where they are issued by pressing them.

Subscribe to HUG Chonse Guarantee Insurance
** In addition, for single, multiple, and multi-family houses, you may need a building register and a certificate of international underdog association.

concluding article
So far, I’ve briefly explained the conditions and methods of subscribing to HUG lease guarantee insurance. It’s a good system to keep my lease deposit safe in Korea, where fraud is overflowing these days, so please check it out and use it anyway.

In addition, if you want to check more information and details as well as the above, you can check it by going to the site left below.

Learn more at HUG site.
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